Detection of Hidden Fire Hazards

Revolution through Intelligent Detector Technology
Graphic drawing of the GreCon DLD 1/9 and ignition sources

Fire Prevention


For numerous industries, preventive fire protection is crucial to safeguard not only assets but most importantly the people behind them. After all, numerous hidden hazards lurk within industrial processes, which are often overlooked and can lead to catastrophic consequences.

At Fagus-GreCon, the recognition and prevention of fires and explosions start with understanding their causes—for example, through precise examination and classification of ignition sources and optimized product development based on the findings.

Therefore, we have increasingly focused on the development of intelligent sensor technology—with success! The challenge lies in detecting these risks, which are not always visible to the human eye, and taking effective measures before hazards arise. With the development of the spark detector DLD 1/9, the prevention of fires and explosions has reached a new dimension since the invention of the spark extinguishing system in the mid-1970s.

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